Tax Incentives Made Simple
Our Specialists find Tax Strategies Worth $$$
Essential Resources uses contracted professional services to provide our clients with the latest in tax and expense strategies with some of that savings coming back to the client in direct cash. It's like a payday for the business owner!
Essential Resources can help you with a quick, initial assessment to determine if your company has potential untapped savings and do so on a contingency basis. We only receive a modest percentage of your windfall.
And through our trusted partners, there is an audit guarantee and a "no payment" guarantee if we do not find a refund or savings for you.

For a brief telephone overview CONTACT US

Employee Retention Tax Credit
The ERC has gone through significant updates, so we encourage you to let us take a look with one of our specialists to uncover all qualifying activities and wages that will maximize your benefit and/or refund. Unfortunately, the program is not yet living up to its full potential because many business owners are prematurely disqualifying themselves due to misinformation. If you don’t ask you WON’T get.
R & D Tax Credits
R&D tax credits is a government sponsored economic incentive for companies to conduct research in the USA. The R&D tax credit may apply to any company that incurs expenses for performing qualified research activities on U.S. soil. Essential Resources' service provider is trusted by hundreds of founders, companies, CPAs, and partners across the country due to their industry expertise and specialized focus. They evaluate the opportunity for each client, provide a personalized plan to maximize the R&D credit, and generate the necessary documentation to ensure monetization and IRS compliance.

Cost Segregation
Our Cost Segregation service if one of our flagship services making up our Specialized Incentives.
Cost Segregation is an engineering based study that permits commercial real estate owners to reclassify real property for depreciation purposes. This reclassification results in significant cash flow benefits in both present and future years through considerably shorter depreciable tax life and accelerated depreciation methods.

WOTC Overview
WOTC stands for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit and is not one but several tax credits given to employers at a Federal level for hiring qualified employees. Annually employers claim over $1 billion in tax credits under this program. There is no limit on the number of individuals an employer can hire to qualify to claim the tax credit.

Property Tax Mitigation
Outside of income taxes, the single largest recurring charge for commercial property owners are Property Taxes. In most states, owners are required to pay taxes on both their real estate as well as their personal property. These charges are often an immense expense and a constant hit to the bottom line. Essential Resources can ensure you are not being overcharged on your Property Taxes by using our industry specialist with extensive market experience in valuation, tax, and law.